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Parent/Player Code of Conduct

código de conducta en español

Players and Parents/Guardians, 
Please read the following contract for the upcoming Manasota Youth Soccer League season. Youth sports programs play an important role in promoting the physical, social, and emotional development of all participants. It is therefore essential for coaches, parents, attendees, players and referees to encourage youth athletes to embrace the values of good sportsmanship. There is no better way to achieve this than by leading by example and demonstrating fairness, respect, and self-control (“sportsmanship”).  Please read over this with your child and sign the last page of this contract and return it with the registration form.

As a player of the Manasota Youth Soccer League , I agree to the following code of conduct: 

  1. To train and play to the best of my abilities.
  2. Keep a positive can-do attitude.
  3. Arrive promptly and ready to go for all practices and games.
  4. Refrain from the use of profanity, both on and off the field.
  5. Respect my coaches and teammates, and to only give positive encouragement.
  6. Respect my opponents and teammates and not play in a way that would purposely hurt or injure another player.
  7. Treat all referees with proper respect and to accept their decisions without argument.
  8. Accept my team placement. 9. Accept all coaching decisions during games without question.
  9. Exhibit humility when winning and grace when losing.
  10. To remember that I represent myself, my team, my club, and my city with my actions, play and comments.
  11. Respect that the use or possession of any alcohol or tobacco product, or any illegal substance, at any Club sponsored function by any Manasota player will result in immediate suspension or removal from the club for the duration of the playing season and forfeiture of all fees.  

As a parent of a player for the Manasota Youth Soccer League, I agree to the following code of conduct: 

  1. Help my player to meet all team and club expectations and commitments.
  2. Accept the team placement of my player.
  3. Be encouraging, supportive and affirmative in regards to my player’s play on the field.
  4. Be respectful of ALL referees, players, coaches, and spectators. Parents who do not display appropriate behavior on the sidelines WILL be asked and expected to leave the sidelines.  Manasota Youth Soccer League  Parent/Player Code of Conduct
  5. Accept the coach’s decisions during games and practices.  If concerns arise and you feel you need to speak to a coach please arrange a time that is not before, during, or right after a practice or game.
  6. Make sure that any family or friends that are attending games with you adhere to the FYSA and USA policies in regards to acceptable sideline behavior.
  7. Pay or arrange payment options for all player, club or team fees by their due dates. 

Zero Tolerance Policy for Referee Abuse (Florida Youth Soccer Association) Manual

The purpose of such a policy is:

  1. To establish an environment that is conducive to good sportsmanship.  The game will benefit if respect is shown by and to everyone involved, including referees, coaches, players, parents, and fans.
  2. To establish an environment that is conducive to recruitment and retention of referees. Youth (young) referees are especially vulnerable to improper comments or behavior exhibited by coaches and fans.
  3. To establish a policy that requires referee abuse in any form to be dealt with quickly and convincingly.  Appropriate sanctions for improper behavior need to be established and enforced without exception.

Refer to the following guidelines:

  1. USSF Referee Administrative Handbook – Policy 531-9—Misconduct Toward Game Officials. 

It is expected that everyone involved with FYSA activities will behave in a responsible manner. 

Please be aware of the following:

  1. Youth soccer is a learning experience and mistakes are made by all involved.
  2. Respect should be shown to all players, coaches, supporters, and officials.
  3. Supporting a team does not give you the right to be rude or abusive.
  4. Please respect the integrity and judgment of the officials and refrain from abusive, inappropriate actions or words.
  5. Please behave in a manner that exhibits class that would never cause FYSA or its member clubs embarrassment.
  6. Failure to follow this policy as outlined above and in the Player and Parent Code of Conduct will result in a referral to the League Advocate for disciplinary action which can ultimately lead to the removal of the player from the team.

We (parents and players) have read and hereby agree to abide by the FYSA code of conduct.  We also understand that failure to do so is subject to disciplinary action, including but not limited to the following in any order or combination, at the discretion of the FYSA Board:

  1. Oral or written warning
  2. Suspension or immediate ejection from any FYSA event
  3. Suspension from multiple FYSA events
  4. Season suspension
  5. Permanent termination from some or all FYSA events
  6. Notification of and request for support by local law enforcement 

Note: No reimbursement of fees will be made due to the dismissal of a player from a game or the club for not adhering to this contract as outlined. 

Manasota Youth Soccer League

1608 12TH AVE W 
Palmetto, Florida 34221
Phone : 941-720-4316
Email : [email protected]
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