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Background Check Policy:

Every adult member is required by FYSA to apply for an FYSA Background Screen every year by using the designated risk management system prior to any interaction with youth participants. A nation-wide criminal history background screen will be performed on every adult member submitted annually. Each application is subject to a processing fee set by the FYSA Board of Directors (payable by the affiliate or individual). Honesty and full disclosure are expected of adult members when filling out the
application. Should an adult member not properly disclose his/her criminal history it may impact the approval or denial of the application. Every adult member must provide his or her Social Security Number, which will be kept confidential. Those applicants who do not have a Social Security Number (international applicants) will be required to have an additional background screening (with an additional processing fee) and provide additional documentation.

FYSA reserves the right to disqualify an adult member when presented with evidence of inappropriate communication, conduct, or contact with children or other individuals even if not charged, convicted, or tried in a court of law. FYSA also reserves the right to disqualify an adult member if that individual’s behavior and/or conduct are considered detrimental to FYSA, the FYSA membership, or FYSA member affiliates even if not charged, convicted, or tried in a court of law.

Generally, FYSA analyzes offenses and/or convictions with a broad incident date ten (10) years prior to the application date. FYSA also reserves the right to review incidents that date back further than ten (10) years and disqualify the adult member, if that adult member’s criminal history indicates a possible serious threat to the well being and safety of youth participants.

FYSA also reserves the right to perform criminal history background screen(s) at random time periods on
any adult member who has previously applied for a background screen during their approval who may or
may not have a criminal history.

FYSA shall perform background screens that meet the minimum requirements as stated in Florida Statute

Manasota Youth Soccer League

1608 12TH AVE W 
Palmetto, Florida 34221
Phone : 941-720-4316
Email : [email protected]
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